Tuberculosis is a dangerous and infectious disease that affects the lungs of the patient. TB had a strong grip in Shahid Nagar community few years back affecting most of the residents. Nearly 80% of the Children, men, women in Shahid Nagar community are diagnosed and their health status is known. ADF rose to the occasion to fight the disease and help the community people. Asha Deep Foundation runs a Designated Microscopy and Treatment Centre (DMC) under the national RNTCP. DOTS (Directly Observed Treatment Short-course) works with Tuberculosis patients administering curative medicine and providing counselling to the patients. Thousands of patients has been provided health and referral services. TB medicine is provided to the patients from time to time and regular follow-ups are done till they become free from the disease. Another major objective of ADF health Care programme is to sensitise the community people that they can collectively create a healthy and conducive atmosphere within the community for a better living.
In this financial year, 22 Awareness promotion and Community meeting were conducted in the Community Health Centre. As per the Annual plan of the centre it should be conducted twice in a month. During the meetings all the 357 register patients were participate from the targeted communities. The patients belonging to various areas were warned about ill-effects of Tobacco usage and were made aware regarding the facilities available at DOTS centre.
Our Health workers visit the patient’s home, community and other resources for the better implementation of the programme. For achievement of better outcomes, they plan regularly and follow up with the beneficiaries. Follow up is done by the Health Workers and they work on the following points:
Health Centre Team invites residents and makes them aware about different topics in Health talk program
The World AIDS Day is celebrated in Asha Deep Foundation every year. 300 people participated in the Rally program this year.
The World TB Day (Tuberculosis) is organised every year. This year, 170 participants participated in this program.