Asha Deep Foundation initiated the projects Asha Deep Boys Hostel in 2016- 17. The project aim to educate boy children aged 6-18 years whose parents are convicted and presently lodge in prison. Children were previously staying in prison with their parents. Some of them were even born in the prison. These children stay in Asha Deep Boys Hostel where a congenial environment is provided for their holistic development. They experience new life in the hostel which is totally different from the prison environment. The programme is extremely important for these children as these young minds have already undergone a lot of stress and trauma. ADF has been successfully running residential rehabilitation centers for orphan & destitute children since 25 years and has the requisite experience of dealing with children in difficult circumstances. So, India Vison Foundation in partnership with ADF initiated the project.
Children enrolled under Asha Deep Boys Hostel are involved in all round developmental activities. They are provided a positive environment and their educational, health, emotional & psycho- social needs are fulfilled through a structured programme followed in the hostel. Health check-up are done on monthly basis. They are studying in St. James Convent School and participate in multiple activities in the school. Healthy and nutritious food is provided in the hostel. Sports activities, celebrations and outings are organized regularly for recreation and outdoor learning. Indoor & outdoor games are organized regularly. Workshop on relevant topics was held. Exposure picnic, competitions on different themes and talent shows were conducted. Some of the children went for summer camp toChaukori, Uttarakhand in June 2016.
Total of 25 boys are enrolled in Asha Deep Boys Hostel. Now they are studying in St. James Convent School. Regular counselling and support have helped them come out of the trauma and are now leading normal lives. The improvement has led to fastening the development process of the children.
With the same goal as that of Asha Deep Boys Hostel, to educate girl children aged 6-18 years whose parents are convicted and presently lodge in prison, Asha Deep Foundation in partnership with India Vision Foundation initiated the projects Asha Deep Girls’ Hostel. The children are provided with residential facility and are presently studying in St. James Convent School. The project was initiated in April 2016. Children are given opportunity for all round development- intellectual, physical, social, psychological and emotional development. They are given emotional support and regular counselling so that they can come of the trauma and lead normal lives. They live in a newenvironment where they are provided with facilities for their growth, development and safety & security.
Children regularly attends school and they are given extra academic support by teachers in the school and warden & seniors in the hostel. Health check-up is conducted regularly. They participate in all the activities organized by the hostel, ADF and school. Some of the children participated in the summer camp organized in Chaukori, Uttarakhand in June 2016.The participation helps them to develop their personality and gain self-confidence. Healthy and nutritious food are provided to children. With improving health, children improve their mental strength as well. They regularly attend counselling sessions. Sports, interactions and outings are regularly conducted for physical, social and intellectual development.
Total of 18 girls were enrolled in 2016-17 in Asha Deep Girls Hostel. Improvement in physical health due to good diet teamed with regular counselling& home-like environment led to increasing the mental strength of the children. This brings back normalcy in their lives and ultimately positive result is achieved on the effort of educating and mainstreamingthem.
(This project is supported by India Vision Foundation)