Early childhood is a very important phase in a child’s life for his physical and cognitive development. This is the first step where a child steps out of his comforts of his home to build his/her self-esteem. St. James Convent Pre-School is an initiative by Asha Deep Foundation which provides pre-school education to underprivileged children consisting of orphans, minority children, poor and differently abled children. It provides education to students in nursery and kindergarten. The pedagogy is designed in such a manner that it nurtures a child both academically and socially. The children are taught with the use of stage plays, dramatisation of stories and many such tools which expand the child’s imagination and stimulate their creative expression. Picnics and outings, computer education and art and craft are many other activities that are done to engage the children from time to time.
To educate the underprivileged children of the community to provide holistic development at a very nascent stage so that they can build a safe and secure future for themselves.